Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Burns' Love Poem

There was only a short portion of the poem that could be published so here is the full poem.

When we first met,
There you were, sitting in the rain.
It was as if you were crying,
But your beauty was still wonderful.

I fell in love with you instantly.
And when I told you this,
The happiness shown from you,
Would always be in my memories.

You dance with happiness in the rain,
With the most beautiful smile I ever saw.
And with your wonderful smile,
The sunlight pierced through the clouds and rain.

And when you turn and our eyes catch,
My love for you grows more and more.
And though the day comes to an end,
My love for you shall continue on.

Picture Credit





Works Cited

Burns, Robert. "A Red, Red Rose." British Literature. Ed. Ronald H. Horton. Greenville, SC: BJU Press, 2003. 402-422. Print

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard Summary

 Gray, Thomas. "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard." British Literature. Ed. Ronald H. Horton. Greenville, SC: BJU Press, 2003. 475-479. Print. 

My Biography

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Johnson Discussion

Johnson Discussion

Praise Song

God came to me in times of pain,
And casted His love upon me.
He does everything for my gain,
For He is always there for me.

I give thanks unto you Lord,
You have done so much for me.
Always following through with your word.

God helps me throughout my life,
He is my light among the darkness.
Never against me with strife,
But always with love and patience.

God, you are always there for me,
I owe you all my life.

I give thanks unto you Lord,
You have done so much for me.
Always following through with your word.

Monday, November 29, 2010


"How Great Thou Art" ~ Chris Rice

     "How Great Thou Art" is significant to me because, as the title says, it is about how great God is.  It tells about how He created everything in the world from the birds singing to the mountains and this just shows how powerful He is.  No one can come close to His awesome glory.  Everything that we are able to do is enpowered by Him alone.  The line, " Then sings my soul," reminds me that we should praise God with all that we have.    

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A Modest Proposal Response

Well, I started reading this assignment thinking that it was going to be one of those long, boring stories that in the end has someone dying and that I would have just wasted my time reading such a long story.  However, as I got into the story, it was really depressing reading about all those women and children living on the streets and having to beg.  It was rather interesting seeing how the author described the lives of them and I felt really sad.  But then reading the next part was just plain weird and creepy.  Eating children for food?! First thoughts that came to mind was Hannibal Lector and cannibalism.  That is just wrong and to make it worse, I was eating at the time I was reading this.  Then he goes on about how the meat would be “delicious” and that the skin could be used to clothes such as gloves and shoes.  That idea is totally insane.  It would be horrible to be a kid living a life like that and constantly having to look out because someone could just take you and make you part of a four course meal.  It is scary how such a crazy and inhumane idea could even be thought and actually written down in detail. But then at the very end, the author points out that he would never support this idea and that he would never think about doing something like this to his family.  I was so relieved that this was all fake but also upset on how real the proposal of doing such a thing was and how much thought seemed to be put in it. 

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Modern Connection

Where Are You Now
by: Diana Fox

Just like a diamond from the sky
You were a star shinning bright for me
But now it's fading, fading
Carried my soul upon the wind
Soaring so high, oh you gave me wings
Now I'm left wandering

Where are you now
Cause I need to have you right here next to me
You're not around, feels like you took the air I breathe
I hear the sound, of my lonely heartbeat calling out to yours
You can't be found, oh where are you now.

Told me you'd never leave my side
But time passes by
Seemed so real to me
Was I just dreaming, dreaming

You poured your wine, I drank it up
Got drunk on your love
Now I thirst for you
But my cup is empty, empty

Where are you now
Cause I need to have you right here next to me
You’re not around, feels like you took the air I breathe
I hear the sound, of my lonely heartbeat calling out to yours
You can't be found, oh where are you now.

I thought we were in love
So meant to be together
That what we had was
Ever lasting, ending never
How could everything be gone
You're not with me tonight
When you should be here
Holding me tight
Holding me tight
Holding me, holding me, holding me tight

Where are you now
Cause I need to have you right here next to me
You're not around, feels like you took the air I breathe
I hear the sound, of my lonely heartbeat calling out to yours
You can't be found, oh where are you now.

I think that this song hold some similarity to Steele's "No. 1 Tuesday, April 12, 1709."  The lyrics constantly ask "Where are you now," which is similar to the man in the story searching for the lady he saw in the carriage.  The song expresses how the person is in love and is lonely because the person cannot be found. 

Steele, Richard. "No.1 Tuesday, April 12,1709." British Literature. Ed. Ronald H. Horton. Greenville. SC: BJU Press. 2003. 396-308. Print.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Crusoe Illustration

An Illustration from Chapter II

The merchant ship Crusoe is on is chased by pirates along the coast of Sallee.

"SparkNotes: Robinson Crusoe: Preface & Chapters I-III." SparkNotes: Today's Most Popular Study Guides. Web. 17 Nov. 2010. .

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Dryden's Satire

According to the first paragraph of "Of Satire," what is the purpose of satire? What does Dryden say in the second paragraph is the type of satire he admires most, and to what does he attribute one's ability to use this type of satire successfully? What words does he use to show his disapproval of harsher forms of satire?

Dryden believes that the purpose of satire is to make the wicked realize all the evil they have done. Satire is supposed to point out how foolish they are and “hinder” them from doing more sin (Horton, 382).

Dryden admires satire that is of gentle mockery and written with subtlety. He believes that a person is born with the ability to write well. However, people that are not born with this ability shouldn’t try to imitate a person that has the ability because they would not have the subtlety in their writing and would be unsuccessful.

Dryden uses word such as “fool”, “blockhead”, and “knave” as examples of what a harsher form of satire would be (Horton, 382). With a well written satire, there would be subtlety thus being less insulting and possibly reach the person better. Dryden believes that it takes a lot of skills to be able to write like this and not use harsh words.

Dryden, John. "Of Satire." British Literature. Ed. Ronald H. Horton. Greenville, SC: BJU Press, 2003. 382-383. Print

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Pilgrim's Progress


SparkNotes Editors. “SparkNote on The Pilgrim’s Progress.” SparkNotes.com. SparkNotes LLC. 2006. Web. 12 Nov. 2010.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A One Day Diary

November 10, 2010 (The day before Veteran’s day)
            Today, I woke up at 5:30 A.M.  I left for school at 6:20 and fell back asleep till 6:50.  I really didn’t want to be at school since there was a Japanese quiz and History test.  But I got through with those and had a more relaxing afternoon.  Although during lunchtime, Cody kept touching my hair and that was really awkward.  But after that, classes continued on normally and school ended.  After school, I helped deliver some gifts for Mrs. Baniaga to Mrs. Robinson to deliver to Mrs. Baniaga.  After that, went home, ate dinner, and now finishing up with homework.  Now I’m hungry and wondering what kind of snacks we have in the kitchen. 

Milton Video

Works Cited

Milton, John. "Sonnet 7." British Literature. Ed. Ronald H. Horton. Greenville, SC: BJU Press, 2003. 320. Print
Milton, John. "Sonnet 19." British Literature. Ed. Ronald H. Horton. Greenville, SC: BJU Press, 2003. 321. Print
Milton, John. "Paradise Lost." British Literature. Ed. Ronald H. Horton. Greenville, SC: BJU Press, 2003. 322-339. Print

Picture Credit

Friday, November 5, 2010

Baxter and Rutherford Letter

Dear Friend,
            Though the school year has just started, it may seem like it has been forever and difficult.  I understand how difficult it is to continue on knowing that there is still a long way till the end.  Also to have the knowledge that it would grow more difficult and challenging with every day passing makes it worse to even try.  However, we both have lost sight of the reason to continue on.  The main reason to continue on is because God is there to give us strength.  School may seem to be pointless and a waste of time to us and is meant to torture and ruin our lives.  However, school is meant to help us succeed in the future and also to help us grow spiritually in God.  Don’t lose sight of God and feel like you are alone to endure through life.  God is always with you to help you.   Trust in Him and stay focus on Him always and He would guide you.  Give praise to Him always in everything that you do.  I cannot say that you would feel more energized and like you can conquer everything, but I can say that there would be a greater feeling of hope knowing that there would always be someone with you all the time.
Your friend in Christ
Jonathan Neumann

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

On My First Son

In this poem, Jonson writes about the death of his seven-year-old son. It was a great loss to Jonson since his son, Benjamin, was still young. Also since he was the first son, he had the responsibility to carry on the family name and with his death, this hope was crushed. This poem also speaks about how Jonson felt and reacted to his son's death.  Jonson felt miserable about the loss of his son and even vows to never love anything else too much. 

This poem has a lot of literary worth because it talks about a topic not many poems are written about. Many poems are usually written about joy, love, beauty, etc. However, this poem speaks of the death of a love one. It brings a feeling of sadness to the reader.

This poem was very sad and hard to read. To read about losing a love one is not the most enjoyable thing. It shows how much pain Jonson went through at the lost of his son. Not many poems that I read speak of death. When I first read the three poems, "On My First Son" was the one that stuck out the most and was actually the clearest one to understand. Like Jonson and everyone else, I have experience the loss of a loved one. Although I wasn't as close to them, the feeling of sadness and remorse was overwhelming. There was very little time spent with them like Jonson only spent seven years with his son and the sudden lost was shocking and painful. The last two lines, "For whose sake...never like too much." shows that he doesn't want to love anything too much because he wouldn't want to go through the pain again. However, death is unavoidable, so it is better to love instead of avoiding the truth. As Christians, we should also try to witness to the unsave and showing love would help with this.

Jonson, Ben. "On My First Son." British Literature. Ed. Ronald H. Horton. Greenville, SC: BJU Press, 2003. 303. Print

Friday, October 22, 2010

Macbeth Analysis Outline

Question 30: What do the three witches predict in the beginning of the story?  Do you think that the three witches are antagonists or protagonists?  Why?

1.      The three witches predict the rise of Macbeth and Banquo
A.    Macbeth shall become the Thane of Cawdor.
                                        i.      “All hail, Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor!” (line 49)
B.     Macbeth will become king.
C.     Banquo will never become king, however his descendants will.
                                        i.      “Thou shalt get kings….” (line 67)
                                        ii.      Although he doesn’t rise as high as Macbeth, Banquo would be happier.
2.      The Witches are antagonist.
A.    Witches use their supernatural abilities against Macbeth.
B.     Witches are able to use Macbeth’s ambition to cause him to kill to fulfill his lust for power.
C.     The witches represent evil temptation that affects a person’s decision making.

"Macbeth." SparkNotes.com. SparkNotes LLC. 2002. Web. 21 Oct. 2010.   <http://www.sparknotes.com/shakespeare/macbeth> Shakespeare, William. "Macbeth."

British Literature. Ronald H. Horton. 2nd ed. Greenville: BJU Press, 2003. 199-277. Print.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Shakespeare's Works

Wordle: Shakespeare's Works

Farrow, James. “The Collected Works of Shakespeare.” 1993. Web. 20 Oct. 2010.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Faerie Queene Animation

The Faerie Queene by jneumann, made at DoInk.com

Spenser, Edmund. "The Faerie Queene." British Literature. Ronald H. Horton. 2nd ed. Greenville: BJU Press, 2003. 182-192. Print.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Sonnet 75

Spencer, Edmund. "Sonnet 75." British Literature. By Ronald Horton. 2nd ed. Greenville: BJU Press, 2003. 181. Print.

Music: "Cristofori's Dream" ~David Lanz
Image credits:

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Love Languages

My Primary Love Language is Quality Time

My Detailed Results:
Quality Time: 10
Acts of Service: 9
Words of Affirmation: 5
Physical Touch: 4
Receiving Gifts: 2

An Apology for Poetry

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Howard's Love That Liveth and Reigneth in My Thought

Howard, Henry. “Love That Liveth and Reigneth in my Thought.” British Literature. Ronald A. Horton. 2nd ed. Greenville: BJU, 2003. 166. Print.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Book of Common Prayer

  1. Joy
  2. Honor
  3. Unity
  4. Loyalty
  5. Love
Tyndale, William. “The Book of Common Prayer.” Greenville: BJU Press.2003. 140-142. Print.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Tyndale Mosaic

ImageChef Word Mosaic - ImageChef.com

Tyndale, William. "Parable of the Wicked Mammon." Greenville: BJU Press. 2003. 135-136. Print.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

For the Order of the Computer Analyst

      The ultimate computer analyst is knowledgeable in all computers, whether it be a Mac or PC, managing the system, quickly finding a solution to a problem, and keeping every computer updated with the latest software.  A computer analyst must be diligent in keeping up with every task, working fast to keep everything running smoothly, and respecting everyone even those that are technologically handicapped.  In everything a computer analyst does, he should  do to the glory of God, with joy and humbleness, and with a willing heart to serve.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Audio for Chaucer Character

The Lawyer.egg on Aviary.

Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Canterbury Tales.  Greenville, SC: BJU Press, 2003, 303-322. Print.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Hurling through the trees,
A creature stirs in the night.
Nearing the town with haste,
All shake with fright.

Listening with anxiety,
All waiting for it to emerge.
Not know what’s to come,
Insanity begins to surge.

Swiftly the creature comes,
Closing in on the town.
Horror fills the people’s hearts.
Ordeal is coming down.

Only seconds before it shows,
Leaping for the tree.
Startling the people,
Stood a little monkey.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Screwtape Analysis (Final Draft)

        Screwtape says, “We can drag our patients along by continual tempting, because we design them only for the table” (Lewis 40). Throughout the book, Screwtape suggests to Wormwood to use many temptations against the Patient to lead him off course. The Screwtape Letters shows how human nature is full of temptations that are constantly used by the devil to mislead a person.
        A major time when temptation is used to draw a person away from God is during the trough periods. Screwtape clearly states, "…the Trough periods of the human undulation provide excellent opportunity for all sensual temptations..." (Lewis 43) During this time, a human is feeling emptiness and depression from a loss or anything that has not gone according to plan. To fill this emptiness, the devil provides sexual temptations along with other temptations to draw the person away. The devil is very cunning in the ways he provides these temptations and when to target a weakened person. A Christian should especially be aware of this time. The devil is constantly targeting Christians and uses lust many times. An example of an actual time was Samson and Delilah. In Judges 16:6, “…Tell me, I pray thee, wherein thy great strength [lieth], and wherewith thou mightest be bound to afflict thee,” Delilah tempted Samson to find his weakness and turn him in to his enemies for money. She does this four times and he eventually fell into sin. Temptations are dangerous for many because it causes great loss and affects many people.
        The Screwtape Letters shows that during difficult times, the temptations to sin is high. The devil is constantly working to ensure that a person especially Christians would fall to the many temptations. Once someone falls into temptation, it is difficult to get out of it. It’s a never-ending cycle of sinful desires that continually grow throughout time. This is the main motive of the devil in order to take down whoever that has fallen into temptation with him in the end.

Works Cited

Lewis, C. S. The Screwtape Letters. New York: HarperCollins, 2001. Print.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Screwtape Analysis (Rough Draft 2)

          The Screwtape Letters emphasizes the spiritual warfare over human souls. Screwtape says, “Do not think lust an exception. When the present pleasure arrives, the sin (which alone interests us) is already over.” (Lewis 76-77) Throughout the book, Screwtape suggest to Wormwood to use many temptation of lust against the Patient to lead him off course. The Screwtape Letters shows how human nature is full of temptations of lust that are constantly used by the devil to mislead a person.
          A major time when temptation of lust is used to draw a person away from God is during the Trough periods. Screwtape clearly states this with this quote, "…the Trough periods of the human undulation provide excellent opportunity for all sensual temptations..." (Lewis 43) During this time, a human is feeling empty and depression from a lose or anything that has not gone according to plan. To fill this emptiness, the devil provides sexual temptations along with other temptations to draw the person away. The devil is very cunning in the ways he provides these temptations and when to target a weakened person. A Christian should especially be aware of this time. The devil is constantly targeting Christians and uses lust many times. An example of an actual time was Samson and Delilah. Delilah tempted Samson and he fell into sin. Temptation of lust is a dangerous sin for many that causes great lose and affects many people.
          The Screwtape Letters shows that during difficult times, the temptation to sin is high. The devil is constantly working to ensure that a person especially Christians would fall into temptations of lust. Once someone falls into temptation, it is difficult to get out of it. It’s a never-ending cycle of sinful desires of the flesh that continually grow throughout time. However, God is there for those that look toward Him for help. Yet a Christian should be highly aware of the devil with his trickery and stay close to God. Although it may be hard to do so in the “trough periods”, there are many things such as godly friends and the Bible that could remind us to follow God and avoid lust.

Works Cited

Lewis, C. S. The Screwtape Letters. New York: HarperCollins, 2001. Print.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Screwtape Analysis

Jonathan Neumann
Honors British Literature
Mrs. Baniaga
31 August 2010

          The Screwtape Letters shows how human nature is full of lust. Screwtape says, “Do not think lust an exception. When the present pleasure arrives, the sin (which alone interests us) is already over.” (Lewis 76-77) Throughout the book, lust is a major factor in the Patient’s life that Screwtape insist on using to lead the Patient away from God. Lust is defined as the desires of the flesh for self-indulgence. A major temptation of lust is women. The body of the woman throughout the years has been a major distraction to man and clothing and even things like music increase the lust of man. In chapter 20, Screwtape speaks of two different types of women that could tempt, “a terrestrial and an infernal Venus.” (Lewis 108) Basically these two types of women are examples of lust of the body. As mentioned in I Corinthians 6:18, “Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body,” a person especially Christians should avoid sexual desires except in a godly marriage.
          A major time when lust is used to draw a person away from God is during the Trough periods.  Screwtape clearly states this with this quote, "the Trough periods of the human undulation provide excellent opportunity for all sensual temptations, particularly those of sex." (Lewis 43)  During this time, a human is feeling empty and depression from a lose or anything that has not gone according to plan. To fill this emptiness, many temptations such as drugs, alcohol, and sexual desires are placed before the person. Also when a person has lustful desires in their heart and mind, the meaning of “Love” is changed. Love is an emotion that is express through care for others and willingness to help them. However, with lust, love is just seeing the outside of the person and wanting what is physically seen instead of looking what is also inside the heart. As Christians, we should know that God desires us to not just look at the physical side of a person but also the spiritual side of them. However, there are many temptations out in the world that have been set to distract us from following God. Since our human nature is naturally sinful, we tend to be drawn to these lustful things that are in the form of music, movies, and multiple entertainments. We must turn to God to help guide us through life. Of course it is possible to stumble a little, however, God would always be there to pick us up again.

Works Cited
Lewis, Clive S. The Screwtape Letters. New York: HarperCollins, 1996. Print.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Ch. XXVI: Unselfishness:  According to Screwtape, "A woman means by Unselfishness chiefly taking trouble for others; a man means not giving trouble to others."  Overall, unselfishness can be defined as wanting the best for others. 

Ch. XXVII: "...use the "heads I win, tails you lose" argument. If the thing he prays for doesn't happen, then that is one more proof that petitionary prayers don't work; if it does happen, he will, of course, be able to see some of the physical causes which led up to it, and "therefore it would have happened anyway", and thus a granted prayer becomes just as good a proof as a denied one that prayers are ineffective." (Lewis 148)  In this quote, Screwtape is suggesting that Wormwood to try to confuse and discourage the Patient about prayer.  Screwtape hopes that whatever the outcome is from what the Patient prays for, the Patient would view it as an unneccessary act to do.  With this doubt about prayer, a person would be drawn away from talking to God.  It is a constant struggle for new Christians and even for older Christians. Even I struggle with it, especially in robotics when the robot is failing and my prayers for it to work are not answered.  However, I must work to try to fix it and instead ask God for wisdom and patience.

Ch. XXVIII: "Prosperity knits a man to the World. He feels that he is "finding his place in it", while really it is finding its place in him." (Lewis 155)  Prosperity could be defined as success in what a person does that has many gains.  In this quote, the person thinks that since he is succeeding, he is finding his place in the world.  However, in reality, his "success" is clouding his mind and taking him farther from God.  Many people feel this way when they gain money or anything with great value.  However, earthly possessions would decay and is nothing compared to what's in heaven.

Ch. XXIX:  "Hatred we can manage. The tension of human nerves during noise, danger, and fatigue, makes them prone to any violent emotion and it is only a question of guiding this susceptibility into the right channels." (Lewis 159-160)  Hatred is constantly used by the Devil.  When a person is experiencing a tough time, it makes him/her easily aggitated.  Every little thing such as a pen click, foot tapping, and even motion sensing sliding doors could build up hatred.  With hatred, the people around are affected.  Although you might not say anything, a persons thoughts to harm someone is sinful.  As Christians, we should be aware of this and try to pray in place of hatred.

Ch. XXX: "It need not be much shorter; in attacks on patience, chastity, and fortitude, the fun is to make the man yield just when (had he but known it) relief was almost in sight."  This quote speaks of making sure that a person would give up although the end of the road is near yet he does not see it.  This attacks the person's perseverance and patience when they are tired of travelling and just want everything to end already.  I struggle a lot with this, especially with long assignments and even during robotics when we spend hours working.

Ch. XXXI: "But when he saw them he knew that he had always known them and realised what part each one of them had played at many an hour in his life when he had supposed himself alone, so that now he could say to them, one by one, not "Who are you?" but "So it was you all the time". All that they were and said at this meeting woke memories."  This speaks of how when the Patient dies, he sees the devils that had made his life difficult.  There are many mixed feelings including anger. However, since the Patient lived through the trials and continued to follow God, he is allowed into heaven and the Devil has lost.  This is a great lose for the Devil as there is one less soul for him to forever torment.  As Christians, we should know that there are many followers of the Devil that would tempt us, however, God is always there for us.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Screwtape XVIII-XXI

  1. Ch. XVIII. "To be" means "to be in competition"(Lewis 94).  This quote is saying that life is a battle of the fittest.  Everything that exists in the world fights for their existance.  It's basically every man for himself.  If a being stops fighting, he would be wiped out by another being. 
  2. Ch. XIX. "He must have some real motive for creating them and taking so much trouble about them." (Lewis 100).  In this quote, Screwtape is saying that the "Enemy" (God) created man yet it is a mystery why He created man and still takes care of man although they have fallen.  However, as Christians, the reason why God created man was for His own glory.  Although man has fallen into sin, God still cares and loves us so much that He sent his only son to die for us.  However, the devil and his followers try to cloud the minds of man so that they would not be able to understand God and see how much He loves them. 
  3. Ch. XX.  "The aim is to guide each sex away from those members of the other with whom spiritually helpful, happy, and fertile marriages are most likely."  (Lewis 106).  This quote is saying that the goal of the devil is to try to draw humans away from a good Christian relationship.  To do this, the devil uses earthly things such as fashion and art to try distract a person's mind from good.  They would start to focus on their appearance and spend less time focusing on the relationship that God says we should have. 
  4. Ch. XXI.  "A period of sexual temptation is an excellent time for working in a subordinate attack on the patient's peevishness." (Lewis 111).   This quote speaks of a time when the devil could attack a person.  During this time, the person has a very low toleration for anything.  When the person is angered, he/she would do anything to relieve their stress and anger.  Therefore, the devil uses sexual temptations during this time to turn man away from God.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Brainstorming for Analysis Ideas

  1. Allusion: The "Enemy" is referring to God.
  2. Conflict: Patient against his mother.
  3. Conflict: Screwtape and Wormwood against the "Enemy" (God).
  4. Climax: Patient gets new friends (Ch. 10)
    • "I was delighted to hear from Triptweeze that your patient has made some very desirable new acquaintances and that you seem to have used this event in a really promising manner." (Lewis, 49)
  5. Theme: Patient starts to pray but is struggling. (Ch. 12) 
    •  "He will want his prayers to be unreal, for he will dread nothing so much as effective contact with the Enemy. " (Lewis, 59)
  6. Theme: Attending church (Ch. 15)
  7. Foreshadowing: Screwtape warning about what might happen in the future with Wormwood's patient. 
    • "Sooner or later, however, the real nature of his new friends must become clear to him, and then your tactics must depend on the patient's intelligence." (Lewis, 51)
  8. Theme: Relationship with mother. How to keep Patient apart from her. (Ch. 3)
  9. Theme: Virtue of Humility (CH 14)
  10. Metaphor: Heaven and Hell. (Ch. 15)
    • "But we want a man hag-ridden by the Future—haunted by visions of an imminent heaven or hell upon earth—ready to break the Enemy's commands in the present if by so doing we make him think he can attain the one or avert the other—dependent for his faith on the success or failure of schemes whose end he will not live to see. " (Lewis, 77-78)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Chapters IX-XII Questions

  1. Why do our “trough periods” make us so vulnerable (Lewis, 43)? Is this applicable to you? Our "trough periods" makes us vulnerable because it is a time when everything is not going according to plan.  During this time, we are feeling pity for ourselves and this provides the perfect opportunity for the devil to try tempt us with earthly desires.  When there is a lot of homework and chores to do, I sometimes feel like there is no time for myself to enjoy.  Usually I feel like just ignoring the task that needs to be done, and would rather just read mangas, watch anime, and talk with friends online. 
  2. Chapter IX: What beautiful truth about pleasure does Screwtape share? Make a list of pleasures.  The truth about pleasure that Screwtape shares is that pleasure is created by God.  God is the only true source of pleasure.  However, the devil could manipulate a human's thoughts to use and enjoy the pleasure in ways not intended by God.  List of pleasures: mangas, anime, music, computer, books, being with friends and family, and food.
  3. Chapter X: What are your thoughts regarding “parallel lives” (Lewis, 51)? What does this mean to you?  "Parallel lives" is being a person but acting differently around different people to gain favour in their eyes.  To me this is deceiving to the people that are around you and might put their trust in you.  If they continue to live their lives like this, they would grow attached to it without knowing and they would not be true to themselves or others. 
  4. Chapter XI: What are your thoughts on music and joy after reading this chapter? After reading this chapter, my thought is that both music and joy can be used to worship God. However, they can still be manipulated by the devil to please ourselves.  We have to have the right mind set on God at all times while dealing with both music and joy.
  5. Chapter XII: What is the “safest road to Hell” (Lewis, 61)? Do you agree or disagree?  Screwtape writes that the safest road to Hell is one that is gradual, with a gentle slope, easy to follow, and no sharp turns.  I agree with this statement because since it is a gradual sloping road, a person could easily and quickly travel this road without using too much energy.  This road is all about making a person comfortable and relaxed by making it simple for them to walk on.  Since it is a simple road, there is a higher chance of people choosing this road to follow.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Chapters V-VIII Questions

1.  Chapter V: What is Screwtape’s idea on the best way for humans to die? Why? Screwtape believes that humans should die in a "costly nursing home" with everyone telling the patient that everything would be all right and that he/she would get better.  With this hope of getting better, the person would stay focus on him/herself and ignore any religious teachings.  However, from what Screwtape thinks, this false hope of life would end in the person's death and they would not know God due to their focus on themselves.

2.  Chapter VI: How does “...malice thus becomes wholly real and the benevolence largely imaginary” (Lewis, 28)? How does this apply to your life?  This happens when an event happens in a person's life.  In the book, there is a war occuring.  The patient feels hatred toward the Germans and he believes that fighting against them is doing good for the country.  However, no good cames from this hatred, his thoughts are clouded and anger and other feelings are preventing him from seeing the truth of his actions and thoughts.  I do the same thing.  If something is not going how I think it should, I feel as I am the one to correct it and that I'm doing a better job.  However, it turns out that I'm sometimes making it worse than it was.  It is best to turn to God for help and guidance instead of rushing in and trying to do things with your own power.

3.  Chapter VII: How do you picture the devil? What does this chapter challenge you about regarding the spiritual warfare over your soul?  I picture the devil to look like an angel with the black wings and white robe.  The devil use to be an angel, however he chose to disobey God and was banished.  We are not given a clear picture from the Bible about how angels look but they are definately beautiful beings.  In this chapter, I see that there is many trials and temptations created by the devil and his followers to turn me away from God.  This chapter challenges me to come closer to God and trust in Him to protect and guide me through these many temptations and trials. 

4.  Chapter VIII: What is the “law of Undulation” (Lewis, 37)? Give an example of this in your life.
The "law of Undulation" is when a person tries to accomplish something that he/she has failed to do so in the past and meets new problems and challenges and continues to fail.  A lot of these problems and challenges are from the devil's temptation and the lack of trust in God.  I always try to have a good attitude with my parents.  I am able to do so for a while, however, something just suddenly happens and I completely fall out of line and disrespect them.  Then I repeat trying to respect them and it keeps happening.  However, I have been working on it and recently I have heard a good sermon and I have been putting more trust in God for His help.

5.  Chapter VIII: “Our cause is never more in danger, than when a human, no longer desiring, but intending, to do our Enemy's will, looks round upon a universe from which every trace of Him seems to have vanished, and asks why he has been forsaken, and still obeys. (Lewis 40). What are your thoughts on this?  My thoughts is that the human follows God but is starting to have doubts in his/her mind.  However, there is a small will to continue following and obeying God even though the person may be lost.  With this small will, it could grow into a stronger relationship with God.  This is what the devil fears and would continue to come on hard and swiftly on the person to try to overtake their will.  However, God is always there for His followers even when it seems that He is not and He would guide them if they trust in Him.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Chapters I-IV Questions.

  1. Chapter I: What does Lewis mean by “real life” throughout the chapter? Lewis refers "real life" as the earthly pleasures that man sees and desires.  It is "life" without anything to do with God. It is focus on what the person can see, hear, touch, etc.  The person would be completely distracted by the physical things that he would not think anything about the spiritual things.
  2. Chapter II: What are your thoughts on church? Is it something you “do” every week? I think that church is very important.  Like school, church teaches us from Scripture about God and how we should live a godly life.  However, we must be willing to accept what is being taught.  Coming froma Christian family, I attend church every Sunday morning, but am unable to attend on Wednesday nights or Sunday nights due to my father's work.  I admit that sometimes it does get boring, but throughout the sermon, it gets better and I learn and grow more close to God.
  3. Chapter III: What are your "daily pinpricks" (Lewis, 11)? I seriously can not stand the beeping of microwaves. Although it's only three beeps that last for about 1-2 seconds, I always try to stop the microwave one second early. Actually any kind of loud and sudden noise bother me.
  4. Chapter III: Give an example or two of situations in which you have neglected the obvious (Lewis, 12). One day during summer, I knew that the rice was done cooking but I ignored it to continue playing games and didn't take the time to unplug it. The rice got overcooked, and my mom got mad at me.
  5. Chapter IV: What are your thoughts on prayer? Compare your prayer life to this chapter.  Prayer is a conversation with God.  Every Christian should be comfortable with praying.  Prayer can be anytime at any place.  You don't have to close your eyes like some people say that you have to, but it shows more respect to God.  My prayer life could use a lot of work.  I do pray, however, a lot of the time I only pray when i need help.  However, I put my whole faith in God while I pray instead of relying on how I feel and think. 

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Questions 8/11/10

1. Honestly, I am not the best at writing. I believe that writing is a major skill that everyone has although some are not as good as others. It is a critical skill to use in school, college, and even in work. Writing is a way to express one’s self. Sometimes it’s hard to say something out loud, and writing your thoughts and opinions helps to say what you want to say without actually speaking.

2. I enjoy reading a lot. However, I honesty have not read much biography or historical books. Like writing, reading is an important skill in the lives of everyone. It helps our minds work because we are using our sense of sight and also we should be trying to comprehend what we are reading for better understanding. Today’s generation is all about computers and playing games, I admit that I do spend a lot of time on the computer, however, I still love to read books. A few small examples of what I read are: the Bible, mysteries, and quotes about topics that I learn about or hear about.

3. I like and dislike technology. I like it because it helps getting information easier and faster. As I mentioned in question two, I spend a lot of time on the computer. I haven’t played too much with other game systems for about two years. I am also in the schools robotics team and that uses a lot of technology. However, sometimes I dislike it because there are still many problems with technology and also our world is corrupt. Yet, technology is used every day to assist in schools, work, and everyday entertainment. Through this course, I notice that we would be using a lot of technology such as audio recording and videos. I am not use to these so I would be learning about new technology.

4. Learning is important for everyone. We are all constantly learning new things every day. We learn through all five of our senses. However, the main three that we use are sight, hearing, and touch. I think that I could adjust to any form of teaching, but I do best with audio and visual learning. I honestly don’t really like to learn but if I enjoy the class, I would find it easier to focus and be more open to what is being taught. I do believe that we have to learn in order to succeed in life. One verse that I believe that tells us that we should learn is Luke 2:52, “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature…” We should be like Christ and increase in wisdom.

5. I want to take this class because I heard that it was a good class. Also, I know it would be a challenge and it would help me learn to be more responsible. As I mention before, I wasn’t very good at writing. I believe that if I take this class, I would be able to learn how to write better since there would be more pressure on me since it would be my responsibility to keep up with this class and accomplish the assigned task. I know that it would be difficult at first but I am sure that it would be an enjoyable class and I would learn a lot throughout the school year.