Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Questions 8/11/10

1. Honestly, I am not the best at writing. I believe that writing is a major skill that everyone has although some are not as good as others. It is a critical skill to use in school, college, and even in work. Writing is a way to express one’s self. Sometimes it’s hard to say something out loud, and writing your thoughts and opinions helps to say what you want to say without actually speaking.

2. I enjoy reading a lot. However, I honesty have not read much biography or historical books. Like writing, reading is an important skill in the lives of everyone. It helps our minds work because we are using our sense of sight and also we should be trying to comprehend what we are reading for better understanding. Today’s generation is all about computers and playing games, I admit that I do spend a lot of time on the computer, however, I still love to read books. A few small examples of what I read are: the Bible, mysteries, and quotes about topics that I learn about or hear about.

3. I like and dislike technology. I like it because it helps getting information easier and faster. As I mentioned in question two, I spend a lot of time on the computer. I haven’t played too much with other game systems for about two years. I am also in the schools robotics team and that uses a lot of technology. However, sometimes I dislike it because there are still many problems with technology and also our world is corrupt. Yet, technology is used every day to assist in schools, work, and everyday entertainment. Through this course, I notice that we would be using a lot of technology such as audio recording and videos. I am not use to these so I would be learning about new technology.

4. Learning is important for everyone. We are all constantly learning new things every day. We learn through all five of our senses. However, the main three that we use are sight, hearing, and touch. I think that I could adjust to any form of teaching, but I do best with audio and visual learning. I honestly don’t really like to learn but if I enjoy the class, I would find it easier to focus and be more open to what is being taught. I do believe that we have to learn in order to succeed in life. One verse that I believe that tells us that we should learn is Luke 2:52, “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature…” We should be like Christ and increase in wisdom.

5. I want to take this class because I heard that it was a good class. Also, I know it would be a challenge and it would help me learn to be more responsible. As I mention before, I wasn’t very good at writing. I believe that if I take this class, I would be able to learn how to write better since there would be more pressure on me since it would be my responsibility to keep up with this class and accomplish the assigned task. I know that it would be difficult at first but I am sure that it would be an enjoyable class and I would learn a lot throughout the school year.

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