Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Screwtape Analysis

Jonathan Neumann
Honors British Literature
Mrs. Baniaga
31 August 2010

          The Screwtape Letters shows how human nature is full of lust. Screwtape says, “Do not think lust an exception. When the present pleasure arrives, the sin (which alone interests us) is already over.” (Lewis 76-77) Throughout the book, lust is a major factor in the Patient’s life that Screwtape insist on using to lead the Patient away from God. Lust is defined as the desires of the flesh for self-indulgence. A major temptation of lust is women. The body of the woman throughout the years has been a major distraction to man and clothing and even things like music increase the lust of man. In chapter 20, Screwtape speaks of two different types of women that could tempt, “a terrestrial and an infernal Venus.” (Lewis 108) Basically these two types of women are examples of lust of the body. As mentioned in I Corinthians 6:18, “Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body,” a person especially Christians should avoid sexual desires except in a godly marriage.
          A major time when lust is used to draw a person away from God is during the Trough periods.  Screwtape clearly states this with this quote, "the Trough periods of the human undulation provide excellent opportunity for all sensual temptations, particularly those of sex." (Lewis 43)  During this time, a human is feeling empty and depression from a lose or anything that has not gone according to plan. To fill this emptiness, many temptations such as drugs, alcohol, and sexual desires are placed before the person. Also when a person has lustful desires in their heart and mind, the meaning of “Love” is changed. Love is an emotion that is express through care for others and willingness to help them. However, with lust, love is just seeing the outside of the person and wanting what is physically seen instead of looking what is also inside the heart. As Christians, we should know that God desires us to not just look at the physical side of a person but also the spiritual side of them. However, there are many temptations out in the world that have been set to distract us from following God. Since our human nature is naturally sinful, we tend to be drawn to these lustful things that are in the form of music, movies, and multiple entertainments. We must turn to God to help guide us through life. Of course it is possible to stumble a little, however, God would always be there to pick us up again.

Works Cited
Lewis, Clive S. The Screwtape Letters. New York: HarperCollins, 1996. Print.

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